Business Cards

Business Cards are still used by many individuals and businesses.  They are being replaced more and more by ABCs (Animated Business Cards) that are electronically shareable and post-able by means of text, email, websites and social media, but there are times when nothing but a small piece of card stock, printed with you name, company, telephone number, fax machine number, pager number and perhaps a morse-code chart will do.

To help bridge the gap between today and print cards, we offer clean designs that include QR Codes on the backside of the card so people can scan the small square code and add all of your contact information into their cellphone or computer contact files.  This eliminated the long, long list of numbers and clutter found on older business cards making it a little easier for someone to find the correct phone number and call you or your business and perhaps write that name and number down, and perhaps enter it into their phones call list, like you do all the time.  You do, add numbers found on cards into your phone all the time… right?  No?  When was the last time you did that?

If you are in certain businesses that does happen all the time but mostly, you are hoping people will do… the thing you do not do very often or not at all.  It might be time to consider having your new business card designed in a different format.  In most of our ABC special packages we offer, we also include a print version of the design so you can still get printed business cards for about the price of having a print design professionally created, only now you can have a matching ABC version as well.  We also take existing designs and animate into an ABC as well.

Below you will find a short video showing a few of our business card print designs.

To find out more information on Animated Business Cards and ABC package deals visit the following links:

Animated Business Cards

Animated Business Cards {Realty}


ABCs {Realty}